Rainy Day Progress

Rainy days make for the best progress! Taking a little tea-time break, Django Reinhardt Pandora station on, and I got to thinking about how important it is to take breaks in between paintings. They suck so much energy in just a 30 minute sitting! Well.. at least for me I've found that I work in intervals of 30-40 minutes, with about a 5-10 minute break depending on what I do. Sometimes I walk Nyah on my break, I stretch, sometimes I walk around the house munching on a snack, sipping water or tea, maybe clean something in the kitchen that I left earlier that day. The point is to take your mind off of the work so that I can look back with fresh eyes. I also don't like to feel rushed in any area of my life, let alone my work. Breaks energize and harmonize. So I took some pictures to keep testing my camera on my break. 


RaqSisters are ready for the holidays!


Painting Party September Edition!