Podcasts and Morning Inspiration

It can get overwhelming where to start to look for inspiration. Sometimes you have to look at the things near-by in order to spark some momentum in your work, even if it may have no visual relevance, it will have some soul-relevance. 

This morning I searched my mind for something that would be interesting, insightful and something different I could listen to while I prep my breakfast and work area for painting. I remembered that I had been meaning to listen to a podcast by Pema. I know her as a belly dance student of ours at Belly Motions, but she is a creative woman who does all sorts of wonderful things, like hosting podcasts on conversations with interesting women in our community. From her website I listened to her podcast with artist Luisa Mesa, Cuban-born, has lived in several countries around the world and is currently in Miami. It was just what I needed. After a couple of minutes of listening I already had energy and ideas to work on! The conversation between Pema and Luisa was uplifting, honest, funny, and perceptive. I totally related and felt like I was there! I was reminded about Krishnamurti, Alex Grey's work, creative process and how others pass through it, and I learned new things, got a little insight on how others work. I'll be re-visiting some books on my shelves today. In all honesty I've never listened to a podcast before - my mornings are either reading or watching/listening to videos to educate my brain. It's like I go to class every morning and choosing what to learn. Today I tried something new and it was excellent! Podcasts are my new thing! I'm excited about this new little discovery.

 So here I am, sharing and recommending you to go check out Pema's website! Check out her introductory podcast here first! http://www.pemaculture.com/podcast/episode-1/
The podcast I listened to today about artist Luisa Mesa is here on this link: http://www.pemaculture.com/podcast/episode-3-art-life-luisa-mesa/

I believe a continuous search is healthy, doing it little by little every day. There is a high chance that more windows will open without you expecting them to. I LOVE surprises, I love not expecting, but expecting the unexpected. And I love putting myself in those situations because I know FOR SURE I will take something from the experience, small or big! Just jump into the water, however cold it may be, don't think about it. I know that requires patience, but the time is so worth it and it's so much fun for me to search and wait and listen. I know that all I capture will eventually be useful, tomorrow or years from now as an accumulation of sorts. Take a moment to listen, read, watch things every day from good, educational sources, and life will be a little more refreshing. 

Have a great week everyone! Thanks for reading and keep sharing what you love!


Harmony and Dancing with Hands


Sister Paintings: A Look into the Argentinian and the Russian/Ukrainian Belly Dancer